Table of Contents

Enum NeovimTreesitterHighlightSource.Group

public enum NeovimTreesitterHighlightSource.Group


Attribute = 45

@attribute ; attribute annotations (e.g. Python decorators)

Boolean = 17

@boolean ; boolean literals

Character = 15

@character ; character literals

CharacterSpecial = 16

@character.special ; special characters (e.g. wildcards)

Comment = 0

@comment ; line and block comments

CommentDocumentation = 1

@comment.documentation ; comments documenting code

Conceal = 77

@conceal ; for captures that are only used for concealing

Conditional = 33

@conditional ; keywords related to conditionals (e.g. if / else)

ConditionalTernary = 34

@conditional.ternary ; ternary operator (e.g. ? / :)

Constant = 50

@constant ; constant identifiers

ConstantBuiltin = 51

@constant.builtin ; built-in constant values

ConstantMacro = 52

@constant.macro ; constants defined by the preprocessor

Constructor = 26

@constructor ; constructor calls and definitions

Debug = 36

@debug ; keywords related to debugging

Define = 5

@define ; preprocessor definition directives

Error = 2

@error ; syntax/parser errors

Exception = 39

@exception ; keywords related to exceptions (e.g. throw / catch)

Field = 46

@field ; object and struct fields

Float = 19

@float ; floating-point number literals

Function = 20

@function ; function definitions

FunctionBuiltin = 21

@function.builtin ; built-in functions

FunctionCall = 22 ; function calls

FunctionMacro = 23

@function.macro ; preprocessor macros

Include = 38

@include ; keywords for including modules (e.g. import / from in Python)

Keyword = 28

@keyword ; various keywords

KeywordCoroutine = 29

@keyword.coroutine ; keywords related to coroutines (e.g. go in Go, async/await in Python)

KeywordFunction = 30

@keyword.function ; keywords that define a function (e.g. func in Go, def in Python)

KeywordOperator = 31

@keyword.operator ; operators that are English words (e.g. and / or)

KeywordReturn = 32

@keyword.return ; keywords like return and yield

Label = 37

@label ; GOTO and other labels (e.g. label: in C)

Method = 24

@method ; method definitions

MethodCall = 25 ; method calls

Namespace = 53

@namespace ; modules or namespaces

None = 3

@none ; completely disable the highlight

Nospell = 79

@nospell ; for defining regions that should NOT be spellchecked

Number = 18

@number ; numeric literals

Operator = 6

@operator ; symbolic operators (e.g. + / *)

Parameter = 27

@parameter ; parameters of a function

Preproc = 4

@preproc ; various preprocessor directives & shebangs

Property = 47

@property ; similar to @field

PunctuationBracket = 8

@punctuation.bracket ; brackets (e.g. () / {} / [])

PunctuationDelimiter = 7

@punctuation.delimiter ; delimiters (e.g. ; / . / ,)

PunctuationSpecial = 9

@punctuation.special ; special symbols (e.g. {} in string interpolation)

Repeat = 35

@repeat ; keywords related to loops (e.g. for / while)

Spell = 78

@spell ; for defining regions to be spellchecked

Storageclass = 44

@storageclass ; modifiers that affect storage in memory or life-time

String = 10

@string ; string literals

StringDocumentation = 11

@string.documentation ; string documenting code (e.g. Python docstrings)

StringEscape = 13

@string.escape ; escape sequences

StringRegex = 12

@string.regex ; regular expressions

StringSpecial = 14

@string.special ; other special strings (e.g. dates)

Symbol = 54

@symbol ; symbols or atoms

Tag = 74

@tag ; XML tag names

TagAttribute = 75

@tag.attribute ; XML tag attributes

TagDelimiter = 76

@tag.delimiter ; XML tag delimiters

Text = 55

@text ; non-structured text

TextDanger = 71

@text.danger ; danger/error notes

TextDiffAdd = 72

@text.diff.add ; added text (for diff files)

TextDiffDelete = 73

@text.diff.delete ; deleted text (for diff files)

TextEmphasis = 57

@text.emphasis ; text with emphasis

TextEnvironment = 65

@text.environment ; text environments of markup languages

TextEnvironmentName = 66 ; text indicating the type of an environment

TextLiteral = 61

@text.literal ; literal or verbatim text (e.g., inline code)

TextMath = 64

@text.math ; math environments (e.g. $ ... $ in LaTeX)

TextNote = 69

@text.note ; info notes

TextQuote = 62

@text.quote ; text quotations

TextReference = 67

@text.reference ; text references, footnotes, citations, etc.

TextStrike = 59

@text.strike ; strikethrough text

TextStrong = 56

@text.strong ; bold text

TextTitle = 60

@text.title ; text that is part of a title

TextTodo = 68

@text.todo ; todo notes

TextUnderline = 58

@text.underline ; underlined text

TextUri = 63

@text.uri ; URIs (e.g. hyperlinks)

TextWarning = 70

@text.warning ; warning notes

Type = 40

@type ; type or class definitions and annotations

TypeBuiltin = 41

@type.builtin ; built-in types

TypeDefinition = 42

@type.definition ; type definitions (e.g. typedef in C)

TypeQualifier = 43

@type.qualifier ; type qualifiers (e.g. const)

Variable = 48

@variable ; various variable names

VariableBuiltin = 49

@variable.builtin ; built-in variable names (e.g. this)


Some groups are not supported by neovim.