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Enum VimSyntaxGroupSource.Group


:h group-name (Vim/Neovim)

public enum VimSyntaxGroupSource.Group


Boolean = 5

a boolean constant: TRUE, false

Character = 3

a character constant: 'c', '\n'

Comment = 0

any comment

Conditional = 10

if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.

Constant = 1

any constant

Debug = 30

debugging statements

Define = 18

preprocessor #define

Delimiter = 28

character that needs attention

Error = 32

any erroneous construct

Exception = 15

try, catch, throw

Float = 6

a floating point constant: 2.3e10

Function = 8

function name (also: methods for classes)

Identifier = 7

any variable name

Include = 17

preprocessor #include

Keyword = 14

any other keyword

Label = 12

case, default, etc.

Macro = 19

same as Define

Number = 4

a number constant: 234, 0xff

Operator = 13

"sizeof", "+", "*", etc.

PreCondit = 20

preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.

PreProc = 16

generic Preprocessor

Repeat = 11

for, do, while, etc.

Special = 25

any special symbol

SpecialChar = 26

special character in a constant

SpecialComment = 29

special things inside a comment

Statement = 9

any statement

StorageClass = 22

static, register, volatile, etc.

String = 2

a string constant: "this is a string"

Structure = 23

struct, union, enum, etc.

Tag = 27

you can use CTRL-] on this

Todo = 33

anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX

Type = 21

int, long, char, etc.

Typedef = 24

A typedef

Underlined = 31

text that stands out, HTML links